
Deeper: Renovation March 2010 “Approval” by grayza
March 28, 2010, 10:48 am
Filed under: Deeper Service Outline

This was the last in the Renovation series covering some deep and difficult subjects.  Here we summarized what had gone before and spoke about the how we seek and gain approval from others and from God.

An mp3 of the talk is available

And photos here….

Deeper: Renovation Jan 2010 “Projection” by grayza
February 22, 2010, 11:36 pm
Filed under: Deeper Service Outline

Continuing Renovation theme this covered some very tricky ground.  Many of us don’t feel that God loves us.

Our life experience is not that we’re loved with an everlasting love.  We don’t feel lavished upon.  We don’t feel like the apple of anyone’s eye – let alone God’s.

But the scriptures say: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

But often we don’t believe this.  Listen to it all here.

Deeper: Renovation Sept 2009 by grayza
September 23, 2009, 5:14 am
Filed under: Deeper Service Outline

Start of a new season under the title Renovation.  During this season of six meetings we will be looking at ways of renovating our heart, our life and our spirit.  We must desire our heavenly Father to shape our hearts and mould them to be after him; to take our lives and rebuild them into wholeness; to gather up our broken fragments and, like the artist who pieces together a mosaic, make them into something that is beautiful.

20090920-deeper01 Tonight was the start of this process of looking at what is going on inside us so that we can better resemble Jesus.  Using a number of passages from the old and new testament Gordon and Jenny demonstrated ways in which God wants to change our hearts, our inmost being, from stone to flesh and how Jesus brought these promises to us and it wasn’t just promises for ancient Israel.

Download MP3 Here

20090920-deeper06During the service a heart shape was tiled onto a board at the front.  During the worship set that followed the talky bit everyone had the opportunity to take a tile, write on it and smash the tile as a symbolic step of getting rid of the hardened heart we all have.  There was also an opportunity for prayer ministry.


“Monsters: Anger” May 2009 by grayza
May 17, 2009, 10:34 pm
Filed under: Deeper Service Outline, videos/visuals

Second of a short group of three services under the title of Monsters, where we are tackling difficult topics of Envy, Anger and Greed.  Three areas that are often hidden Monsters inside us that we hide from each other and often deny even to ourselves.

To open, Lorna shared a story of a monster from her nightmares when growing up, then Gordon reminded us of the point of the series and what was covered last time.  After a short video montage showing scenes of anger from various movies JJ asked people to discuss a little about these clips, then led us through a series of searching questions to open up the topic of anger.

Gordon and Jenny then led the next section – download mp3 here

The with an invite for prayer ministry the main sung worship section began.  Here’s a note of the set list:

  • Blessed be the name
  • It’s our confession
  • You chose the cross
  • Holy God
  • God in my living
  • O taste and see
  • Who is like you
  • Let the weak say

:  we try to change the visual set up, images used and the way we mix regularly.  This month we used two verticle drapes with projectors placed close and low to skew the image in a deliberatly distorted manner. The same image was used on all three screens with the words overlayed on the centre (fast-fold) screen only.  We have been using GrandVJ from ArKaos for video mixing for some time now which among other things gives the visual team much more flexability and control over upto 8 layers of video to mix live.

“Monsters: Envy” April 2009 by grayza
April 21, 2009, 7:07 pm
Filed under: Deeper Service Outline, videos/visuals

First of a short group of three services under the title of Monsters, where we will be tackling difficult topics of Envy, Anger and Greed.  Three areas that are often hidden Monsters inside us that we hide from each other and often deny even to ourselves.

After a short introduction JJ lead us through some readings and quotes about the topic of envy (slides available here) and asking people to share in groups their thoughts and examples of this.  This was followed by an example of the world portrayal of Envy using the Nicklback video for Rockstar.  Gordon followed this by giving away an ipod and showing us that our issues of envy isn’t really with the people that are blessed – our issue is with the person who gave out the blessings and didn’t give them to us…
Dan 4:35, 1 Chron 29:12

Jenny then followed this with by telling us that as God’s children, we’re called to be like our Father.  The bible says God is love…  and has this to say about love:  “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” 1 Cor. 13:4-6
We cannot love if we have envy lurking in our hearts.  So how can we root it out?

  • Embrace the truth that we think God owes us….
  • Confess our envy to somebody….
  • Make it your habit to celebrate the success of others….

Celebration cleanses our hearts of envy, so we then moved into a time of celebration and prayer ministry.

There was a break during the sung worship for a second short meditation led by JJ on the topic of celebration – slides available here.

The first part of the service was recorded and the mp3 is available from the St Silas web pagesMore photos here.

“Deeper Christmas” Dec 2008 by grayza
December 23, 2008, 12:06 am
Filed under: Deeper Service Outline, Uncategorized

Taking a seasonal break from the Organic Faith series we took the opportunity to have a time of reflecting on Christmas.  We were continuing to use the side drape as an entrance way / secondary stage:

  • the drape is raised to let people in at the side (so that people don’t just fill up the back of the church), then droped when the service starts and the back opened up for latecomers – so if you’ve never noticed this you are always late!
  • then because this is fairly clear, and to mix things up a little the main talk comes from this side area with the speaker standing right beside their ppt/images.
  • in addition, this month we then set up a response station for people to do something.

What happened this month:

  1. opening time of worship (with fairly laid back minimal visuals for each song) – O little Town, O come o come Emanuel, This is the realm of your glory, O come let us adore him, O come all ye faithful
  2. then Jenny spoke from the side area (mp3 available) making the point that the known universe is “a little bit huge”, leading to a reading from John 1 (the video of which failed – sorry), and then unpacking this to show that Jesus was the word that created the entire universe and that the power capable of doing all that became the tiny human baby.  Jesus was sent to earth and did all that had to be done for us to be reconciled with God…. there’s more, listen to the mp3
  3. Ian read the story Father and Son by Geraldine McCaughrean
  4. as a time of reflection we played a CD track “Joseph Lullaby” by Mercyme with a video of a baby sleeping in a cot
  5. Jenny wrapped up this section and laid out the options for the rest of the meeting,
    – to join in the worship
    – to take time out to visit the responsive station (see below)
    – to take the opportunity for prayer ministry which was available in an area to one side of the church
    closing worship set was- Silent Night, Light of the world, Your grace is enough, Hark the herald angle sing, Joy to the world

The responsive station was set up behind where Jenny had spoken from (right hand side of church) and the screen was raised again to show this.  It was a simple nativity scene (using the Russian dolls we have had as a theme this Christmas) with full size, a hay filled manger in front of it and some candles either side.  In the manger also contained gold coloured stars with messages attached of Isaiah 9:6.  People were asked to, if and when they felt like it, come and kneel before this to reflect on what had been said and to take a star as a reminder to them.

“Organic Faith: Putting down roots” Oct 2008 by grayza
October 21, 2008, 9:22 pm
Filed under: Deeper Service Outline | Tags: , , ,

The second in the series Organic Faith Putting Down Roots

if you are just looking for…

What happened this month:The setup of the building was dark, a welcome screen as people entered, cushions (and blankets!) but also more chairs than we normally leave out and these were arranged to get people into groups.  Again, we played some tracks by The Blind Boys of Alabama prior to the start as it went down well last month.

To start we faded the lights, music and played the opening purpose made video which sets the scene for the meeting, shows where it sits in the series and now also summaries the story so far.  Then Jenny and Gordon both summarized what the plan for the organic faith series was and posed a question for people to discuss in groups – the responses from the groups were then txt’d to the team and fedback on screen.

Using this feedback, the results from last month’s survey and a video diary made by one of the team, Jenny spoke about Putting down roots with the emphasis on being intentional about what you do in your devotional time.  This talk also involved lots of practical tasks for individuals and in the groups, specifically we gave people the opportunity to try different ways of doing devotionals –

  • viewing God as lover – using song of songs 2:10-13 and some visuals of nature
  • viewing God as Father – with some questions to discus in groups
  • viewing God as Friend – Jesus and disciples (John 15:15) – getting people to write things or draw as a response to the passage.

A recording of the talk including the group work is online.

There was then a time of sung worship and prayer ministry in repose to what was learned and any commitments made.

An important part of this series to help those who are interested to put into practice the ideas presented each month.  If you would like to be involved in this email with the subject=subscribe to receive one or two emails each month to help with this.


“Organic Faith: Breaking the Ground” Sep 2008 by grayza
September 21, 2008, 11:11 pm
Filed under: Deeper Service Outline, Uncategorized

First of a new series about Organic Faith Breaking the Ground.

if you are just looking for…

What happened this month:

The setup of the building was dark, a welcome screen as people entered, cushions (and blankets!) thrown around the main space, two sheets draped either side of the main screen back lit to brighten the place up (and because of a projector fault that stopped us using more video).  We played some old time gospel music by The Blind Boys of Alabama because it would contrast with the other music later in the evening (and also as a nod towards getting back to basics).  We have struggled in the past with how to set up the space and how to help people get into the right frame of mind – asking for silence, starting worship early, etc. never seemed to make a difference as people would simply come in and chat.  So, how did playing loud Gospel music work?To start we faded the lights, music and video which was looping, and played an opening theme video which was made for this series of Deepers.  This video will be added to each month to remind people of where in the series we are and what it is all about.  This led directly into the opening worship set.

Gordon’s talk to launch this series (available here on mp3) included a reminder of the talk from the last Deeper service illustration where aspects of our life (love, joy, peace, etc) were symbolically hung on a tree and asking why so many people are dissatisfied with their faith.  He asked us to think about how we are feeling about our faith life right now and where we want to be with God.  At this point JJ took over to lead a short period of reflective meditation.

Where is my heart just now, what are the things I’m thinking about and wrestling with?
What is the general feeling of my heart right now?
When, recently, have I wished that God had acted in a different manner than he did?
What was it that I had hoped for?
What does it feel like to have my desires thwarted?
What is the truth of this situation, where were you with me?
If my heart were a type of soil right now what would it be? Would it be soft, cracked, concrete… is it ready to be planted in?
What needs to be rooted out in order to plant new seed?

To round off this time, Gordon questioned whether there should be more to faith that what we are experiencing and challenged us to rediscover our relationship with Jesus (pointing out that this will take time – there are not quick, instant answers):

“Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unploughed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12

As a response to this, we invited all those present to take part in this journey with us, by giving us their email addresses…

For information on how to take part, sign up to the email updates and do the survery see the next post of this blog.

“Identity Theft: Bitter Roots” May 2008 by grayza
May 24, 2008, 1:58 pm
Filed under: Deeper Service Outline | Tags: , , ,

(or the one that was too bright for the screen)

This was the first of two Deepers based around a booklet “The Important of Forgiveness” by John Arnott. In this first meeting we touched on the things that are the root of our sense of unforginess and bitterness – therefore ‘Bitter Roots’Entering the church people worked there way through a short ‘mini-Labyrinth’ on the theme of Fruit of the Spirit. This comprised printed material to read, rolling presentations on a couple of screens, some music and some recorded readings (looped mp3s), as follows:

1 Love (pdf)

2 Joy (pdf)

3 Peace – we played a loop of “May The God Of Hope” from this CD

4 Patience (pdf)

5 kindness – made an mp3 of a reading

6 Goodness (pdf)

7 Faithfulness (pdf)

8 Gentleness (pdf)

9 Self control – made an mp3 of a reading

In the main area we played general chill/ambient music till most people had cleared the labyrinth area then after a short introduction we started with this video presenting the Fruit of the Spirit. This was followed by some sung worship, before Jenny spoke on the topic – mp3 download – after this was an extended ministry set of sung worship and prayer ministry.

At the end of the service we had copies of “The Important of Forgiveness” by John Arnott available for sale, some may still be availab on Sunday 25th, and we would highly recommend reading through this short book before next month’s Deeper.

( To try to save time later we set up the big screen rather than the normal ‘fast-fold’ screen. This turned out to be a msitake as there was too much day light still around during the service so the screen was difficult to see. Sorry about that!)

18 May 2008 Entrance into Deeper

18 May 2008 Entrance mini-labyrinth on Fruit of the Spirit

18 May 2008 Entrance mini-labyrinth on Fruit of the Spirit

18 May 2008 Entrance mini-labyrinth on Fruit of the Spirit

18 May 2008 Jenny speaking at Deeper

18 May 2008 books for this little series

MP3 of talky bit

“The Important of Forgiveness”
by John Arnott

One reason this blog exists is to generate comment and discussion, so please let us know what you thought of this Deeper service, all feedback, suggestions and constructive crticism welcome.

“Everything you ever wanted to know about the Resurrection but were afraid to ask” March 2008 by grayza
April 24, 2008, 11:11 pm
Filed under: Deeper Service Outline | Tags: , , , ,

(or the one with the party food)

With so much going on this week (start of Holy Week) and a ‘different’ end to the meeting we had to open with Notices. Then the lights were brought down and a backlit cross image shown on all screens – we hired in and set up extra screens for this month, more details later. So, we opened with the cross on the screens and some classical music. Then some scripture was read to move this from the cross the the resurrection while the images changed from the cross to a sunrise video and the mood of the music lifted.Gordon then preached about the Resurrection and what it means to us now – mp3 here.We then wanted a ‘party mood’ to celebrate the resurrection. Firstly this was an upbeat time of worship and this was why we had all the extra screens to build the mood and create a bit of a club like atmosphere. This also guided the images used which were faster paced than what we typically use.

All of this part of the service was shorter than usual and the next part was introduced as still very much being part of the worship service – we moved over to the side where party food was served and people mingled for a while. Again, emphasizing different ways of celebrating and remembering the resurrection.



