
“Organic Faith: Growth” Nov 2008 by grayza
November 18, 2008, 12:35 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Tonight, was the third in the series of Organic Faith series, Growth

If you are looking for…
The Handout
MP3 of all ‘talky bits’
This month’s survey
To join the Deeper email list (about two email’s each month) email

What happened this month: We continue to try different setups for the entrance way, this time opening up the archway half way down the church but making it more ‘deliberate’ by putting another drape across to the window to divide the space up.  We also used some more stand alone two-coloured lights to help brighten the building up some.  Once people came into the main space there was the usual mix of chairs and cushions, however once we got started we closed off this main entrance way and opened up another way in at the back – all of this helps us seat people all around rather than folk only sitting at the back.  We also used the entrance way area (once the drape what put back in place) as a second screen area for Jenny and Gordon to speak from – any comments on how this layout worked are welcome.This service was the third in the series Organic Faith, and opened again with the modified Intro Video, which ends with a summary of what was covered in previous months.  We started with an opening worship set, then Jenny (from the side area) again re-capped the previous concepts including the video diary of how one team member had got on with the challenge from last time to be more deliberate in whatever method you find useful for your time with God.This then led into an excellent personal testimony by Lorna which was also a demonstration of a simple exercise of drawing out a graph of your spiritual life, to do this you think about various points in your life, what was going on at those times and how your walk with God was at that time.  Did these things affect you positively or negatively?  Is there a pattern?  What can you learn from this?

JJ took over from this to help lead people through doing this for themselves or in groups using the handouts people got on the way in.  Firstly people were to think about their own spiritual life graph, then discuss with folk around them what in general helped their spiritual life, and the things that tended not to help.  These were written on leaf-shaped paper and stuck to one of two ‘vines’.

Gordon followed all this with the actual ‘talky bit’ about what should help us grow.  Asking the question “do you actually need the faith we desire?” in other words if we have enough faith for what we are doing now then perhaps the problem of our faith not growing is that we aren’t doing anything that needs more faith.

There followed a longer time of sung worship during which prayer ministry was available.








If you have any comments or feedback on this or any element of a Deeper meeting, please leave a comment below.