
“Monsters: Greed” June 2009 by grayza
June 15, 2009, 4:30 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Last in the theme of Monsters – looking at the inner monsters of Envy, Anger and Greed.  This months meeting was also moved forward a week to make way for the West End Festival event next week.

Before the start of each of these we have been using playlists of related music, someone asked me for a track name, so here is this month’s Greed related tracks: Money (In God We Trust) by Extreme; Material Girl by Madonna; Money by Pink Floyd; If I Had $1000000 by Barenaked Ladies; Gold Digger by Kanye West Feat. Jamie Foxx; Mercedes Benz by Mercedes Benz; and Money (That’s What I Want) by The Beatles.

For a change, after a short welcome from Jenny we started with a worship set of the following songs: Indescribable,   O taste and see,   Amazing grace (my chains are gone).  Then Gordon told a story about a Hamish the Hamster – this is where the mp3 recording starts – this was followed by this video looking at forms of Greed in the media…

Most of the core team that organizes Deeper then gave some examples of Greed in their own life, then asked people to share in groups what they thought their own greed was…

Jenny and Gordon both then taught on the topic of Greed – mp3 recording – then there was an opportunity for ministry and worship (the second set included: The splendour of the king; This is my desire; Jesus we enthrone you; I’m giving you my heart and God in my living. Finishing off with Be Thou My Vision.

There is no Deeper service in July, have a good summer.