
Following on… by JennyWalley
September 29, 2009, 10:39 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

You were given some questions to take away and think about from the last Deeper. Here are a few more to continue your thought process.

1. Read Ezekiel 36
2. What is God saying to the Israelites in this passage? What is the main point of his message?
3. What might God say to the Church (the body of Christ around the world) today, in light of this passage?
4. What might he want to say to St. Silas?
5. How can we be more open to his softening of our hearts together?

Questions for your thoughts and discussion by JennyWalley
September 25, 2009, 9:39 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

1. Do I feel as though I’ve been dwelling in a foreign land? Exiled?
What are the circumstances that have caused this feeling? What does this feel like?
Take some time to talk with God about these circumstances, to tell him how you feel.

2. In what ways is my heart currently hardened to the love of God?

3. Is there some way that God is using my circumstances to soften my heart?
Take some time to ask this question of God, stop and listen to God’s answer to you.

This may be a frustrating time. You may feel resistance to what he speaks, or you may not hear anything at all just now. Keep your eyes and ears open throughout the next week for God to answer these questions in his time.

Deeper: Renovation Sept 2009 by grayza
September 23, 2009, 5:14 am
Filed under: Deeper Service Outline

Start of a new season under the title Renovation.  During this season of six meetings we will be looking at ways of renovating our heart, our life and our spirit.  We must desire our heavenly Father to shape our hearts and mould them to be after him; to take our lives and rebuild them into wholeness; to gather up our broken fragments and, like the artist who pieces together a mosaic, make them into something that is beautiful.

20090920-deeper01 Tonight was the start of this process of looking at what is going on inside us so that we can better resemble Jesus.  Using a number of passages from the old and new testament Gordon and Jenny demonstrated ways in which God wants to change our hearts, our inmost being, from stone to flesh and how Jesus brought these promises to us and it wasn’t just promises for ancient Israel.

Download MP3 Here

20090920-deeper06During the service a heart shape was tiled onto a board at the front.  During the worship set that followed the talky bit everyone had the opportunity to take a tile, write on it and smash the tile as a symbolic step of getting rid of the hardened heart we all have.  There was also an opportunity for prayer ministry.


Deeper – Renovation, starting this Sunday by grayza
September 14, 2009, 7:38 pm
Filed under: Deeper Series

renovation-logo-smallDeeper Returns for a new season this weekend!

From September 2009 – March 2010 we will be looking at the theme of Renovation more details here.

renovatin-programme-smallsee you Sunday.